InstantHP Performance Chip Review







From our research and review, it is our opinion that the InstantHP module performance chip is a scam. It may also cause ECU damage, as reported by some users on the net, so we suggest avoiding it at all costs. It is a nice light show at best, damaging at worst. You want to pass on this one!

Informed shopping starts here. Read our hands on review

Company Profile

The manufacturer is an unknown company located at, but we already have our suspicions on this product’s origin due to its shape and color. A direct link to the product page is here:

Product Appearance


The OBD tuner modules come in one color, yellow, and claim to “instantly add more power and torque”. It claims to fit “all vehicles 1999 and newer”. This also is a BIG red flag – one size fits all claims are almost always a scam.

The product instructions are almost IDENTICAL to that of the Yellow NitroOBD2 scam.

Internal Analysis

We purchased a module for analysis and looked inside:




The circuit board is built around a PIC16F59 IC, and the board looks exactly like the NitroOBD board below:

Nitro OBD PCBs Aliexpress
Nitro OBD PCBs Aliexpress

Right away we see a problem here, because if one pulls the datasheet for the PIC16F59 IC, we can see from the manufacturer, Microchip, that this chip has a maximum program memory size of 3KB:


From several searches, we verified that ECU maps for a vehicle will be at least 20KB or larger PER MAP! This is way too large for the PIC16F59 IC to contain. So, if this is the case, there are no genuine vehicle maps onboard the module. What can be stored in such a small 3KB sized space then? We have our own suspicion.


We connected the InstantHP module to our 2012 BMW 530i 3.0L L6 as shown in the instruction sheet and lights began to blink, in EXACTLY the same pattern as the NitroOBD2 scam chips. We followed the instructions and drove at least 200+ miles to give it the benefit of the doubt, and…… nothing. No power increase, no mileage increase. We did, however, see a neat light show!

Company Response

The manufacturer has not provided a response to our inquiries regarding this product. If we receive any updates, we will post them here.


From our research and review, it is our opinion that the InstantHP module performance chip is a scam. It may also cause ECU damage, as reported by some users on the net, so we suggest avoiding it at all costs. It is a nice light show at best, damaging at worst. You want to pass on this one!

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